Every syllabus for a general education course must fully conform to the UF syllabus policy and also include the following five items:
1. a link to verbatim statement of the General Education Objectives for the relevant subject area(s);
2. a course description that clearly addresses not only course-specific issues and goals, but also the General-Education area objectives;
3. a description, list or table of course-specific Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) outlining the general knowledge (content) and skills (critical thinking & communication) students can expect to acquire through successful completion of the course, and the assignments through which the SLOs will be assessed.
4. the statement "A minimum grade of C is required for general education credit."
5. a weekly course schedule that includes sufficient detail for the General Education Committee to determine the appropriateness of the requested general education classification(s). This should include topics or themes, a brief summary of the content, assigned materials, other assignments, due dates, assessments.
A General Education course syllabus should:
For a complete list of all UF General Education Syllabus requirements, including UF syllabus policies and Quest-specific requirements, please refer to the UF General Education Audit Information page.
This version of the General Education Syllabus checklist is undergoing revisions. Full updates will be completed in Spring 2025.