Requesting Approval for a GE and/or WR Course

The General Education Committee (GEC)reviews all applications for General Education and Writing Requirement courses.

Specific Notes About the Approval Process:

  • The General Education Committee only considers applications that have been approved by the college. As of October 2018, the GEC has moved the deadline for submissions to the Wednesday after the previous GEC meeting. This adjustment was made to allow for more time for review of submissions and more time for submitters to respond to any GEC review subcommittee comments prior to the monthly meeting. GEC meetings are held on the 1st Friday of each month in the Fall and Spring semesters, submissions must be completed and entered into the Academic Approval Tracking System prior to the following Wednesday in order to appear on the next month's agenda.  
  • Course approvals are valid for all future semesters up to the semester when the course is scheduled for recertification, unless the course is a rotating topics course; rotating topics courses may only be considered for a one-time approval for a specific semester in the future.
  • Approval for Writing Requirement (E2, E4, E6) is awarded to the course.
  • New courses may be reviewed by the General Education Committee prior to receiving a permanent course number if documentation of approval from the University Curriculum Committee is submitted with the application.
  • The syllabus must be in English (including foreign language courses).
To begin developing a GE and/or WR course, refer to the appropriate guidelines and requirements for the structure of GE courses and  structure of WR courses, as well as the GE syllabus policy and WR syllabus policy.

When the course design and syllabus are ready, complete the GEC request on the Academic Approval Website.

To submit the request for approval of the GE and/or WR designation, go to the "Course" tab on the Academic Approval Tracking site and follow the instructions at that site. The academic approval tracking system will automatically route the request (including all accompanying forms and documents) to the following groups for approval and/or notification:

  1. The Chair or other designated approver for the department that will offer the course, typically following review by the department curriculum committee
  2. The Dean or other designated approver for the college or unit in the preceding step, typically following review by the college curriculum committee
  3. The General Education Committee
  4. The Office of the University Registrar

Following approval at each of these steps, the change will be entered into the undergraduate catalog, effective in the term approved for the request.

Please contact Kendall Kroger at or (352) 273-3803 if you have any questions about the processes for developing and/or seeking approval for general education, writing requirement or math requirement courses.