The General Education Program provides students with instruction that enables them to communicate, make informed decisions, and participate fully as informed citizens in local, national and global matters. General Education courses in the biological or physical sciences, humanities, mathematics, and social and behavioral sciences should present a breadth of knowledge and should not narrowly focus on those skills, techniques, and procedures specific to a particular occupation or profession. Any prerequisites for courses that meet a General Education requirement must themselves be courses approved to meet a General Education requirement. Courses approved for the General Education Program must be designed to meet specific university requirements, some of which differ from courses that are not part of the General Education Program.
The content of a course approved for a general education designation (i.e., B, C, H, N, M, P and S) must address the appropriate general education , which describes the context within which the (SLOs) are achieved, and the course should be designed to permit assessment of the SLOs. The course syllabus must meet GE syllabus requirements (in addition to the UF syllabus policy), and the assignments and assessments should conform to the general education grade integrity policy.