General Student FAQ

Why can’t I make the switch to S-U grading now?

Setting the window of time to begin April 1 allows time for necessary conversations and information-gathering to make informed choices.  For Spring 2020 only, courses taken S-U will be accepted for all degree requirements with S grades if a student opts for this route.  However, students will need to think about longer-term impacts of their decision to shift to S-U grading.  For example, some graduate schools and professional schools do not accept S grades in courses, and, as of yet, associations representing these schools have not released any information concerning courses taken in Spring 2020.  Every student contemplating shifting to S-U grading or dropping their course should consult guidance prepared by their departments and /or college, reach out to aspirational professional schools to ask whether they will accept an S grade, and/or reach out to their academic advisor for guidance in making the right choice for them.

Also, the disruption in living at a time when courses transitioned has not afforded students and faculty time to equilibrate to the new academic environment.  Because the decision to change grading scales has the potential to have significant impact on the future, students need to develop a clearer understanding of their educational progress during this time.  After over two full weeks in the new environment, we believe students will have a better sense of whether their new environments will allow them to perform in their classes to the best of their ability.

Once a student elects the S-U grading option, they cannot revert to a letter grade.  Therefore, students should put time and thought into making this decision.

Why did UF decide to give students the opportunity to choose?

We recognize that transitioning to new living and learning environments mid-semester because of the pandemic of COVID-19 has resulted in upheaval in many of our students’ lives.  Not every student will be impacted at the same level and in the same way.  Recognizing this, UF is providing students the choice of whether to remain in letter grading, shift to S-U grading, or drop a course.  By consulting with academic advisors and faculty seeking their guidance, each student will have the ability to make a decision that weighs their own unique current circumstances and future aspirations.  

Since the S-U grading and drop deadlines have been moved to the last day of classes (April 22), should I ask my instructor to provide me a final grade before April 22 before I make a decision?

No. You should make a decision on whether to shift to S-U grading or drop a course based on the grades you have received prior to April 22. Faculty are not obliged to accelerate their grading for the class prior to the typical final grading period and thus before you make a decision within the April 1-April 22, 2020 submission window. 

Do I have to choose S-U grading?

No. You can continue in your courses with letter grading (you will not have to do anything then). The important thing is that you have a choice, and you can opt for S-U grading if, after you have studied these FAQs and consulted with your department/college, you think it is the best option for you.

How do I request S-U grading or to drop a course?

Starting on April 1, you will find an online form available on your ONE.UF page.  For each eligible course in which you are enrolled this Spring 2020 semester, this form will allow you to opt into S-U grading or drop.   

What happens after I submit my choices through the ONE.UF form?

You will see a confirmation page and receive a confirmation email message in your email address inbox.  After then, no further action is required of you.  Your request will be routed directly to the Registrars’ office and cannot be reversed once requested. 

Will this policy extend into the summer since Summer A/C classes will be online?

No.  This policy covers only Spring 2020 classes

I am an international student. Will switching to S-U grading or dropping a course impact my visa status?

The S-U grading option doesn't impact an international student’s visa as long as they are registered for a full course load (12 credit hours for undergraduates).  If a student wants to drop a class, as long as it doesn't put them below the required 12 credits, they just need to contact their international student adviser to remove the hold that prevents the drop.  If they want to drop a course and it will put the student below the minimum requirement, they must request a reduced course load on the UFIC website (; search:  reduced course load), which lists the exceptions to full-time registration and the required documentation.

I have been a) accused or b) found guilty of cheating in my class. Can I opt for S-U grading or dropping this class?

A student may still opt for S-U grading if accused or responsible for an Honor Code violation.  However, students should carefully consider the academic sanction pending or issued, and their current performance in the course before opting for S-U grading. 


Honor Code & Course Dropping

Eligibility to drop a course related to Honor Code allegations or violations remains unchanged. A student who has a pending Honor Code allegation is not eligible to drop a course until the matter is resolved. If the outcome of an Honor Code violation is an academic sanction of a Course Grade Penalty, the student will not be eligible to drop the course.