The Florida Civic Literacy Test includes additional questions which utilize material from the following sources.

Supreme Court Cases:

U.S. Citizenship Test:

General Resources regarding Civic Literacy material

Advanced Placement Courses & Resources:

University of Florida Civic Literacy Courses:

  • POS2041 American Federal Government   3 Credits

    Basic principles of the Federal Constitution and Civil Rights. Political parties and the electoral process. The structure and machinery of the federal government, including Congress, the president and the judiciary.  General Education - Social Science.

  • AMH 2010 United States to 1877   3 Credits

    Examine United States history from before European contact to 1877. Topics include but are not limited to indigenous peoples, the European background, the colonial period, the American Revolution, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, issues within the new Republic, sectionalism, manifest destiny, slavery, the American Civil War, and Reconstruction.

  • AMH 2020 United States since 1877   3 Credits

    Surveys the emergence of modern America as an industrial and world power; the Progressive Era; WWI; the Great Depression and the New Deal; WW II; and the Cold War era. General Education.

  • AMS 2010 Civil Discourse and the American Political Order   3 Credits

    Explore the concept of civil discourse along with the basic principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government. Through a review of the US Constitution, founding documents, and landmark Supreme Court cases, understand how the nature and functions of our institutions of self-governance have been shaped. These lessons will then be applied to case studies.