Quest 1 course syllabuses must conform to the UF Syllabus Policy, the General Education Course Syllabus Policy, and the Writing Requirement Syllabus Policy (if applicable).
Quest 1 Syllabus Checklist
In addition to the required items that each UF syllabus and General Education syllabus must include, the Quest 1 syllabus must fully meet Quest 1 goals, objectives, and requirements and include:
- A course description that fully states the essential questions that the course examines.
- A link to the Quest 1 Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs).
- Course-specific Obectives and SLOs that clearly align with Quest 1 Objectives and SLOs (see Syllabus Builder for examples).
- A week-by-week course schedule detailed enough to demonstrate that the weekly topics and assigned materials (readings, viewings, online activities, etc.) are multi-disciplinary, meet the criteria for the Gen Ed designations you seek, and address the course’s essential questions.
- At least one analytical essay that is thesis driven (minimum 1,000 words).
- Faculty may not substitute other types of writing assignments for the analytical essay or satisfy this requirement by having multiple analytical essays that equal 1,000 words.
- Most Quest 1 courses will have other writing assignments in addition to the analytical essay of at least 1,000 words.
- Deliberate self-reflection by students, achieved through assigned work or structured class discussion.
- An experiential learning opportunity.
Note: Faculty first receive "temporary" approval to teach their Quest course as IDS 2935. Because temporary Quest courses cannot include a Material and Supply Fee, faculty should develop experiential activities for temporary Quest courses that do not require such fees. A Material and Supply fee can be added only to a Quest course that has been approved for the "permanent" designation.
Sample Quest 1 Syllabus
- Anatomy of a Story (Quest 1, Humanities, 2000 words)