UF Quest is an ambitious project for enhancing all four years of the undergraduate experience. All Quest courses are cross-disciplinary, organized around critical and metacognitive thinking, and grounded in meaningful student-faculty engagement. Quest invites students to grapple with intellectual, social, and real-life questions that they will face as critical, creative, and self-reflective adults navigating a complex and interconnected world
UF Quest

Quest 1
Engagement with Essential Questions from the Humanities
(Choose one course from the following themes)
- The Examined Life
- Identities
- Justice & Power
- Nature & Culture
- War & Peace
- UF Quest 1 Wildcard

Quest 2
Engagement with Pressing Questions in the Natural and Social Sciences
(Choose one course from the following subject areas)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Biological Sciences
- Physical Sciences

Quest 3
Engagement in the World
(Choose one experience)
- Internship or Co-op
- Research
- Public Service
- Study Abroad
- Community Service
- Design and Competition

Quest 4
Synthesis of UF Quest Experience with Discipline
- Senior Capstone