Fall 2020 Quest 1 Courses
About Quest 1
The UF Quest program invites students to consider why the world is the way it is and what they can do about it. Students examine questions that are difficult to answer and hard to ignore in a world that is swiftly changing and becoming increasingly more complex. What makes life worth living? What makes a society a fair one? How do we manage conflicts? Who are we in relation to other people or to the natural world?
Quest 1 courses fulfill the UF Quest 1 requirement and 3 credits of the General Education requirement in the Humanities. Some may also fulfill either the Diversity (D) or the International (N) requirement and/or count toward the Writing requirement (see below). Students required to complete the UF Core (aka "Good Life") requirement may substitute any Quest 1 course for IDS 1161.
Quest 2 courses cannot be taken to fulfill either the UF Quest 1 or UF Core requirement.
Current Students
During Advance Registration, current students may register for IDS 1161 in order to fulfill the UF Core requirement. All other Quest 1 courses are reserved for incoming students. During Drop/Add, the restrictions will be lifted and currents students may register for any Quest 1 course that still has openings in order to fulfill the UF Core requirement.
New Students
New Fall admits are designated either the Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 semester to complete the UF Quest 1 requirement. Most new students* will receive an email with a link to a survey that they will need to complete in order to find out which is their designated semester to take a Quest 1 course and how they can choose their Quest 1 course (see the New Student FAQ page).
You can learn more about the Fall options by consulting the course descriptions provided below. Every effort will be made to assign students a course based on their preferences. If Fall 2020 is your designated semester to complete the requirement, you may need to wait until Spring 2021 if you are unable to be matched to a Fall course.
*If you are a new PaCE student, an Honors student, or a student athlete, you will not receive a survey. Instead, you will learn about your options during Preview (see the New Student FAQ page).
IDS 1161 (multiple class numbers): What is the Good Life?
- Please consult the Schedule of Courses for the instructors of the individual sections and the days and periods the class is offered. Sections meet synchronously online once per week for a discussion led by an instructor or TA. The other two contact hours are an online asynchronous lecture (or the equivalent) and an online asynchronous discussion.
- Gen Ed: H
- Honors: Consult the Schedule of Courses for the honors sections
- Description: Drawing on the disciplines that make up the Humanities, this course investigates the very nature of the human condition. Students examine the ways different people from different societies across time conceptualize the good life, the meaning and value individuals ascribe to the lives that they live or want to live, and the choices, costs, and benefits of the good life.
- Instructor: Charles Pickeral, Music
- Online Synchronous: 15378-T 4, R 4-5; 15379-T 7, R 7-8
- Gen Ed: H, N
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Rachel Gordan, Religion
- Online Synchronous: 15380-TR 10, F 4; 15401- TR 10, F2; 15402- TR 10, F3
- Gen Ed: H, 2000 Words
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Jonathan Rick, Philosophy
- Online Synchronous: MWF 9
- Gen Ed: H
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Jerry Dickey, Theatre and Dance
- Online Synchronous: MWF 6
- Gen Ed: H, D, 2000 words
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Nathan Rothschild, Philosophy
- Online Synchronous: T 8-9, R 9
- Gen Ed: H
- Honors: No
IDS2935 (Class Number: 15406, 15407, 15408, 15409, 15410, 15435): Places and Spaces
- Instructor: John Maze, Architecture
- Online Synchronous: 15406-TR 4, R 5; 15407- TR 4, R 5; 15408- TR 4, R 6; 15409- TR 4, R 6; 15410- TR 4, R 7; 15435- TR 4, R 7
- Gen Ed: H, N
- Honors: No
- Description: In this course, students will explore and investigate how myriad Spaces and Places around the world shape our lives, express who we are, and who we want to be. Through an around the world examination, an across campus adventure, and creative in-class activities, we will explore humankind’s conception of Place.
- Instructor: Eleni Bozia, Classics
- Online Synchronous: MWF 5
Gen Ed: H, 2000 Words
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Rachel Carrico, Theater and Dance
- Online Synchronous: T 4, R 4-5
- Gen Ed: H, D, 2000 Words
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Carolyn Kelley, University Writing Program
- Online Synchronous: MWF 7
- Gen Ed: H, D, 2000 words
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Vandana Baweja, Architecture
- Online Synchronous: T 8, R 8-9
- Gen Ed: H, N, 2000 Words
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Amy Bucciarelli, Center for Arts in Medicine
- Online Synchronous: T 7, R 7-8
- Gen Ed: H, 2000 words
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Jason von Meding, Construction Management
- Online Synchronous: T 7, R 7-8
- Gen Ed: H, N
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Jeffrey Pufahl, Center for Arts in Medicine
- Online Synchronous: M 4-5, W 4
- Gen Ed: H, D, 2000 words
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Paul Gutierrez, Political Science
- Online Synchronous: 23188- TR 8, F 2; 23189-TR 8, F 3; 23189-TR 8, F4
- Gen Ed: H
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Ifigeneia Giannadaki, Classics
- Online Synchronous: MWF 8
- Gen Ed: H, 2000 words
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Eric Kligerman, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Online Synchronous: 22919- TR 5, F 3; 22920- TR 5, F 3; 22921- TR 5, F 5; 23069- TR 5, F 5; 23070- TR 5, F 7; 23071-TR 5, F 7
- Gen Ed: H, N
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Chrysostomos Kostopoulos, European Studies
- Online Synchronous: T 2-3, R 2
- Gen Ed: H, N, 2000 words
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Sid Dobrin, English
- Online Synchronous: 22928- MW 3, F 3; 22929- MW 3, F 3; 22930- MW 3, F 4; 22931- MW 3, F 4; 22932- MW 3, F 5; 22933-MW 3, F 5
- Gen Ed: H, D, 4000 words
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Bron Taylor, Religion
- Online Synchronous: W 8-10
- Gen Ed: H, N, 2000 words
- Honors: No
IDS2935 (Class Number: 22957, 22958, 22959, 22960, 22961, 22962): The Long Civil Rights Movement
- Instructor: Lauren Pearlman, History
- Online Synchronous: 22957- MW 4, F 4; 22958- MW 4, F4; 22959- MW 4, F 5; 22960- MW 4, F 5; 22961- MW 4, F 7; 22962-MW 4, F 7
- Gen Ed: H, D, 2000 Words
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Jonathan Edelmann, Religion
- Online Synchronous: T 2-3, R 2
- Gen Ed: H, 2000 Words
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Cory Alexander, Music
- Online Synchronous: T 4, R 4-5
- Gen Ed: H
- Honors: No
- Instructor: Alison Reynolds, University Writing Program
- Online Synchronous: MWF 5
- Gen Ed: H, 2000 words
- Honors: No
Honors Quest 1 Courses
All new first-year Honors students are required to take an Honors Quest 1 course to complete the UF Quest 1 requirement. Sections listed below are reserved for students in the Honors program.
- Instructor: Youssef Haddad, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Online Synchronous: MWF 4
- Gen Ed: H, 2000 words
- Honors: Yes. This course is reserved for students in the Honors program.
- Instructor: Jose Ruiz-Resto, Music
- Online Synchronous: M 6-7, W 6
- Gen Ed: H
- Honors: Yes. This course is reserved for students in the Honors program.
IDS2935 (Class Number: 15431): Medicine, Science and the Dawn of Reason
- Instructor: Kostas Kapparis, Classics
- Online Synchronous: W 10-E1
- Gen Ed: H, 2000 words
- Honors: Yes. This course is reserved for students in the Honors program.
IDS2935 (Class Number: 15438): The Examined Life: Life Well Played
- Instructor: Kyle Bohunicky, Digital Worlds
- Online Asynchronous
- Gen Ed: H, 4000 words
- Honors: Yes. This course is reserved for students in the Honors program.