Graduate Faculty FAQ

How is an S or U grade determined?

An S grade is equivalent to a C or better, while a U grade is equivalent to C- or lower.  Therefore, a student earning the equivalent of a C-, D+, D, D-, or E in a course would earn a U grade in an S-U grading framework.  Regardless of whether a student earned an S or U grade in the course, the grade for that course does not calculate into the UF GPA.

Is S-U grading the same as Pass/Fail?

No. UF does not offer Pass-Fail grading, in which a grade of “Pass” would include all grades that are D- and above and a grade of “Fail” would include E grades.

How will I know which student has opted for S-U grading?

The grade roster on which you submit your grades will include only S and U options for those students selecting this grading structure for your course.  The grade roster for students electing to remain in letter grading will have letter grade options available, as normal.

Do I still keep numerical grades for students who opted for S-U grades?

Yes, we ask that you continue to compute all of your students’ grades numerically in the same way for your records with the grading scale or key posted in your course syllabus.  If a student has earned a numerical score that would have been letter-graded as C or above, you should enter an “S” grade.  All numerical scores equating to C- or below should be entered as a “U” grade for students opting for S-U grading.

Should I give students Incomplete (I) grades?

In some cases, an Incomplete (I) grade is unavoidable.  In general, however, assignment of Incomplete grades is strongly discouraged.  Faculty are reminded that graduate students must resolve all Incomplete grades prior to the midpoint of their graduating term.

Will this policy extend into the summer since Summer A/C classes will be online?

No. This emergency policy covers only Spring 2020. Students are expected to have had the time to adjust to the online environment before Summer A/C classes begin.

A student in my class has been a) accused or b) found guilty of cheating. Should the student be allowed to opt for SU grading?

A student may still opt for S-U grading if accused or responsible for an Honor Code violation. However, students should carefully consider the academic sanction pending or issued, and their current performance in the course before opting for S-U grading. 

Where can I send my graduate students for advice on making a wise choice?

The student is encouraged to connect with their Supervisory Committee Chair or Graduate Coordinator if the written resources do not answer all of their questions.  Some students who desire to pursue professional education will be concerned about professional schools accepting courses with S grades, as well as their ability to sit for professional exams or consider transfer credit.  Graduate students should consult their Supervisory Committee Chair or Graduate Coordinator for guidance and be encouraged to connect with their prospective professional school to find an answer prior to requesting this grading option.

If I give advice regarding choosing S-U grading, how should I document it?

Contact the Graduate Coordinator for your academic unit's best practices. In addition, we recommend that you provide a follow-up copy in an email to both the student and yourself.